New Mosaic Mural of Shonto Painting at New hotel in Shonto, AZ

A young Dineh shepherd calls out to the ravens soaring through colorful Shonto Canyon in a shiny mosaic mural at the new LaQuinta Hotel & Suites in Shonto, Arizona, at the junction of Highway 160 and Highway 98, opening soon. 

The mural image is a replica of a Shonto Begay painting with the same name, Calling Gaagi’. Shonto says his youth inspired him, but the iconic scene could be from many generations. “Whether it be calling the ravens, the coyotes, the flock, or even the rain, communicating with all the elements of nature molded me and has always been in the forefront of my memories. It represents a time of innocence when my whole universe within synched with my outer, where my horizon was my complete world. To fill my lungs and call into the void of canyons. Echoes, echoes, echoes ….”